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, The margin of the grade the abnormality is huge, at monster person the empire golden age, a common foot soldier in the high etc. race, kill off low wait racial of the business of elder, usually occurrence.
Those ever of receive of fiesta department, all about drive strong line of became low etc. race.But the low etc. race disallow to become a fiesta department.
After knowing this news, elder brother Bu immediately produced a mind-get into northern islands to rob a person.
The northern islands aren't no ones, that mummy originally and really wanted to put across the persons of northern islands all variation monster person, however after once trying the variation monster person's ability, he discovers that the technical ability that the persons of variation monster all lost to originally control is the fisherman's variation monster the person no longer beat a fishing, is the variation monster of the pirate person don't know how to hold a ship.
This matter became mess.
If the northern islands is all sea everywhere, can't hold a ship, absolutely in difficult pass.
For making the ship able to move,www.headphones-fashion.com, that mummy has to stop to convert the variation monster person's speed, certainly he can't leave pirate, those pirateses are desperados, perhaps and when will escape, say again after pirate is aer little bit high than the fighting strength of the common run of people, converts into a variation monster person, the real strenght is also a little bit a little bit strong.
The northern islands still leave more than 200 myriad peoples at the moment, the big part is fisherman and businessman, all give the turn compare in the bigger island at severals, the unique has no passive lead of, only flying fish island, don't know the reason why, the mummy pharaoh left these shipbuilding teacher.
To elder brother Bu, the flying fish island is a huge treasure to hide, much more than a shipbuilding teacher, even common technician, he equally also wants.
5:00 a.m. just led, will act as a group of sea gulls of patrol to fly to go out, elder brother Bu ascended deck.
At the moment of he has already turned to make fix Luo's absolute being evil, after death follow to turn to make an evil spirit to copy evil star Ni.
Have already stood on the deck quite a few individual, thief saint rice Luo ride to sit on the ship's bow and keep moving back and forth to begin in of long knife.The old saint knight expects virtuous then cross legs to sit on the deck, wipe he of that break sword.Is unique to have a liking for to more serious, only the card pull to receive, as a native of the place, he is the guide of this trip.
In a corner of deck, also stand a piece head very big person, however this person's appearance is very strange, the whole individual's hasing a liking for to go to is like translucent of, the body still covers with one to change on all sides light fog of Huan not certain.
This eccentric is to expect rice Er, as"old person" who followed elder brother Bu at the earliest stage, Ba Mi Er had really pretty depressed a period of time.Compare the person whom he joins behind, became an ultimate end strong one by one, the old rabbit even was already half absolute being.Can this cans not blames other people again and promote working properly of real strenght medicine never little his 1, there is good thing also always and can't forget him, but come down for several years, he even quasi- ultimate end didn't attain.
Remember old friends feeling in the old rabbit so much, so helped him 1.
The old rabbit becomes the body of rabbit from the person's body and abandons body again and becomes a chemical element spirit body, then again drive strong line of became the body of Holy Ghost, most severe of BE, before he punish and decline in the absolute being under, cutty time inside, experienced to become the body of the half absolute being from the body of Holy Ghost, again use the way of dedicating the fiesta, become a chemical element emperor king fusion body, then punish in the absolute being under, the Ji of completion's end puts out rebirth.
Old rabbit absolutely is chase body be make dress to change, is an absolute expert in this aspect of to.
He has no way to promote state for Ba Mi Er, but he directly changed a body for Ba Mi Er, Ba Mi Er in nowadays had a liking for the person is different from a person, the ghost is different from ghost, but the real strenght has never got to say.
The half hour passed by, the sea gull putting to fly to go out finally spread news.
The flying fish island indeed as expected has the variation monster the person to watch on all sides, and can also see the trace and shadow of mummy in the island.
Just saw an eye send back of the mummy, the star Ni immediately says:"This is the pollution, exclusively use to a kind of mummy of circulating the deadly poison and epidemic, this thing cans not stand a dozen, is 1 kind that defendoofs dint to differ most in the mummy, attackstone dint how also not, however want to beware of, he will from explode."
"Could you find out these mummies to all come?"
Elder brother Bu absolutely can affirm, these mummy once from explode, being subjected to the polluting person a hundred per cent will become a variation monster person.
"The condition isn't enough, the image that send back to come with now, I can judge and probably have the mummy like this of 30-50s on the island."
The star Ni just does one judgment like this according to the pollution scope of pollution.
Elder brother Bu turned a head to see rice Luo's one eye.
Mi Luo knows that now is the time that he expresses, find out the business like the news, original count him to excel most .
He stretched one lazy waist, then fly a body a jump.
This jumps be like jumped to go into an unseen hole inside, the rice Luo's body disappeared a while.
The ship leaves a flying fish island to still have more than 40 nautical miles at the moment from could not seeing a flying fish island on board, can not see either here on the same island, but rice Luo but acrossed an one step and was in the island, his body form one Shan namely died, the naked eye of the common run of people basically could not catch that momentary of deadlock.
It is similar to be at the beginning like elder brother Bu in the ice temple, rice Luo doesn't walk as well big way, but directly wear a hall to transfer ownership, however his style is totally different from elder brother Bu, he doesn't wear a wall, because that meeting be responded excrescent motion, he is to once wear those blind sides, is that the door sew, is still a keyhole no matter, he can a wear but lead.
Rice Luo's speed get quickly astonishing, was all used a quarter to sweep the whole group of islandses 1 time.
Still fly once the body jump, time be like similar, turning a moment rice Luo has already fallen at deck on.
"Altogether 45 mummies, have a head among them a little bit big, the cloth on the body also ties up more much somely."
Rice Luo has no much bothersome, the circumstance for finding out oneself to said out.
"Is there sign text on the cloth?"
The star Ni asks a way.
Rice Luo's answer in the middle of publically anticipating, however suddenly hear a bad news, everyone's mood still becomes a bit what a mess.
There is sign text on the cloth, explain that that is a fiesta department.
Of mummy fiesta department, all have a certain specially respond.
Is also say, the this place is immediately once begin, there willing have reaction.As long as is at the thought of to wink namely to of hell chariot, feel a headachy person, absolutely not only 1.
"Star Ni."
Elder brother Bu shouted 1.
Is needless he orders, the star Ni also know that oneself should do what, two people's heart is mutually, her body is a burst of misty, on all sides immediately many the one pitch darkly divide time.
"Have to in another moment polish off all of all pollutions."
Elder brother Bu order way.
Can attain this of and also only have star Ni.
"I fore the noodles leads the way."
Rice Luo fell back to walk several step, his body again disappeared.
The star Ni divides time the place an onrushing crowdly disappearing toward Luo of rice hurtle to, is like the door with an invisible there, dividing time of star Ni a dash into same disappear.
Come to lead once, so rice Luo comes out of time, be just not that place any more, but change a corner of an alley is just an one shadow here.Is close behind he drills out of dividing time of star Ni, integrated into shadow very perfectly.
Rice Luo fore the noodles leads the way, at his after death, those divide time to jump to that shadow from this shadow.
Lead for more than 10 minutes probably, the star Ni standing at elder brother Bu after death says:"All took seat, rice Luo dealt with that mummy fiesta department in person."
"Let's also set out."
Elder brother Bu flies a body to jump air, he has a liking for to absolutely have no rice Luo natural and unrestrained, but many one silk is cool-headed.
Expecting the virtuous old man has already climbed from the ground, his shoulder is one Song, a rightness of the wing that constituted to°from the light immediately piece open.
The most strange is still a card to pull to receive, the method Zhang seeing this guy by hand an inside drew a circle of erection, then walked quickly several step, walked into like this.
If the card that presses in this uncanny space blind side pulls to receive and has a liking for to is like a poker, even wear see still original shape, but side wears to see, can see the thinnest one, that is absolutely thinner than paper.
The star Ni is most labor-saving, she at any time can convert she to become light or shadow of status.
Four figures shoot toward the flying fish island at the same time.
The distance of 40 nautical miles, to this several individuals, really too short, basically could not distinguish who sooner some.However who more attractive, see at a glance.Elder brother Bu's body is almost concealed to go, just only one left light shadow, star Ni Related articles:

