
monster beats ith of you to say t

Head facial expression dark, the devil mountain range may adopt of means, in fact they have already anticipated.
The  probably takes the offensive a project for so severals in fact, among them, possibility's biggest is a sneak attack.Act by extremely sudden and swift speed, the most half hour has to solve an affair.
 Even they still guess, most probably of time's ordering is the end that expires a limit quickly is that hour.
 And Pope's temple can anticipate and judge there certainly equally also ability, because both parties' real strenght discrepancy hangs too much extremely, more because can not concern a civilian, so can the military tactics making use of is very limited.
 This is one don't have battle that the secret can talk.
 Devil mountain range there affirmation have been already guarded against, they will aggression time reveal to judge.
 And judge there to aggression time that they reveal also not definitely interested, because they affirmation meeting 24 hour, Zheng big eyes watch out for the action on all sides.
The  is from now the assize collected of the decoration saw, they intended to adopt past cloth Yi and defend the strategy of backstroke.
'S judging the persons of is scooping out tunnel and other concealment hide a body to order, the depths of these tunnels all exceed the distance that the life probes into, the place of entrance is to pile up with the built-up megalith, ten thousand can not help of time, as long as letting these megaliths collapse to fall, entrance meeting drive strict actually and on the spot close.
 Even if devil mountain range's there having plenty of super sorcery teacher, wanting and breaking through these entrances isn't easy, because these tunnel and concealment hide a body to order don't even leave an air holes.
If the  is the common run of people to hide in this kind of place, affirmation will suffocate and Wu, but judge needless worry, they always have no lack of the sorcery teacher that the research dead works properly sorcery, as long as each base contains 12 sorcery teachers and convert all people in order to die to work properly status, even if was an entrance to collapse to fall to also have no relation, waited until top fall calm, dig one more passage, isn't what hard nut to crack to them.
The  judges don't intend to use to hide of person's battle, because devil mountain range there know to judge all more than 20 bases, but actually, the base amount of assize than this many 100%.
 These intelligence report the Vaticans early have been already got, but they don't intend to let the devil mountain range there knows, they in many people really want and see, devil mountain range those super sorcery teachers how deal with this kind of super shrink a tortoise military tactics.
 But have to admit, either, this kind of tortoise military tactics is the best way that deals with a sneak attack.
 Two people are in the Pope's temple dispute for a long time, the end He Er has to make a limited compromise, that is to hereafter move for three days the term taking the offensive.Anyway having no to them is fantastic for three days.
 Savage country people Ling those people's living a felling in the cave of volcanic crater is very good, don't say for three days, even if make them stay don't also relate to for two months, unique need to be worried of, is the animal that comes from devil mountain range, the on the water is dead 2 flies a dragon, these several days because can not stand blazing hot cause, and then continuously die a few blurred shadow wolves, although adopt to reduce the heat measure afterwards, the spirit of those wolves isn't very good, probably will let these wolves for two days again die several.
The  He Er is finally had no to live Pope temple in, the old man moreover arranged to live for him of place, that is the area to centrally leave not far saint of Pope's temple to receive song monastery.
 "Give me your Xu Nuo Guo's robe good?"The He Er faces the way of walking time.
 This requests to let the old man tooth Yang Yang, he hasn't seen someone neglect thus to him, but for the sake of this kind of affair but become angry to obviously have no interesting.He the ground of Fen Fen walk go out, half an hour after just return to this to ask room.
The  once connects the old man passes over here of red full-length gown, the He Er discovers that the full-length gown incredibly still remains one silk temperature, "this can't be you which Cardinal adult body up pull out down now of?"The He Er surprised Cha ground asks a way.
 "This you needless take care of, our agreement in don't mention, gave your red tunic certain if is new."The old man says:"The words that didn't occupy, hurry to roll from here, here is Pope's temple, go to the place that high highest Pope's his majesty lives."
 "Appreciate that his majesty of yours for me, say that I am very touched to his hospitality."The He Er laughs merrily to say.
The  looking at He Er to walk far, the exasperation air on the old man face immediately disappears without a trace, at the moment of he, imitate a Buddha feelings have never shown unintentionally general.
Already the  old man self-discipline arrives not pleased not Nu, thou not the state of the wave, just in the in front of He Er of that performs just intentionally but is just.
 The throne that see him toward Pope slowly kept on sitting, his face, his body form even connects his clothes all at slowly variety,monster beats.
The  is originally a five, 60-year-old white tunic old man, on the throne after sitting quietly, have already become to wear gold tunic an abnormality advanced in age of emaciated old man.
The  a burst of step voice rings out and outside walks into four people from the door.
The  protects Luo's three a life times to lightly spread a hand, the slip in the hand floats toward one among the persons as being blown by the breeze to kiss.
 "Judge there contact how?"The old man asks a way.
 "Have no problem, the west Sa has already promised our conditions, and a batch of datas has already handed over an our hand."Say for the person of head:"He even says that he wants to meet with with your secret once ……"
The  old man flicked to wave hand to keep under charge from continuing to keep on saying on this topic, for this kind of very impressionable affair, he needs to be considered well some kind of.
 "His majesty?There is really a necessity battling out that thing?"4 people in unique of the female ask a way, she is four personal inside the only face up don't hold in high esteem the person of facial expression.
 "My kid, I know you very bad impression is those things, all of them is judge more than 1,000 in the last yearses carried on numerous improbities experiment finally get of achievement, for devout faith of you to say, these really can hardly accept, but you need to know, the strength of the sometime devil equally can also make use of, the end judgment day soon would arrive, we have already had no time, so has confidence a residence to have the strength to can make use of just right."Protect Luo's three a life times helpless ground of say.
 "End judgment day?Can this prediction believe?"That woman puzzles that the ground asks a way.
If the  " don't query I say, the collapsing of world ruins at at present."Pope says.
 "But why could not see the slightest Zheng trillion?"She still asks a way.
 "I once said to query my words."The old man seems to be some exasperations, he raised voice, but faced at present this unique has blood relationship relation with him of small generation, that silk cut up rough and quickly disappeared."All ages has how much riddle regiment, is done not know by people of this world, among them leave severals recently now, be 6,000 year ago the mysterious mainland is second orchid Di especially the destruction of the Si, and the different clan of more than 3,000 year agos drives out.Everyone knows the existence of these two matters, but history record in but have no any worthy thing, only various each kind of legend, unique be reference of is time, every 3,000 years will once catastrophe, this catastrophe would ruin a civilization, were before second for 6,000 years orchid Di especially is cultured clearly, 3,000 year ago right and wrong mankind different clan civilization, so now?"
 "Probably this just strangely fits."That woman says.
 "This will never be strangely fits, the circulation like this still has a lot, 3,000 years of circulation's returning is just a small circulation, larger is around ten thousand years of of circulation, those ruins that are scooped out, those proved this to once have other brilliant historic relics of civilizations in the world and mostly appeared in 15,000 year agos, did you think that this are also a strangely fits?"The old man put to put a hand, he didn't think again continue to keep on entwining on this affair.
 "Descend diligently handle affairs, don't let to judge'depravity angel'luck walk or hide."Protect Luo's three a life times to sigh a way.
 Four people immediately promised one to go toward to outside and certainly go.
The  is the last person to walk to doorway Related articles:

