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Even five years in first chapter 42
188 year spring, then win even five yearses, after disorderly Huang Jin end, have already led four years enough to spare.These four in the last yearses, although the disorderly Huang Jin has already been quelled, but everywhere is break out consumedly small tenth, rise an insurrection, making thousand Chuangs already the big fellow of 100 bores is toward having already gradually fallen into end of road.Although these insurrection end 11 all drive everyplace of government troops to crack down on, but is make the imperial government is forced soldier right the bottom put, everyplace of the warlord is to lend this gradually strong, escape from imperial government of control.
And Luo's sun ever since that time lent the Lu planted of face, what enter got in hand come one officer half job after, also at last set up household to fall a door down in the Luo sun city.Although this Luo sun served as by Luo sun job of southern Wei is similar to the job served as for holding Cao in history,Luo's sun has never been like Cao to hold so special and spectacular, use what many colors stick.Luo sun everyday in addition to arrive the official residence order, as long as have no what is up occurrence, would be honestly foolish in Chu Gong's your home.And because the disorderly Huang Jin just ended of cause, these year insurrections rose everywhere, the powers in the Luo sun city were expensive didn't dare to cause trouble as well.So in addition to some small dozens is small to make of small rub, Luo's sun this the south the Wei is to make it very easily.
Just make Luo's sun a bit disappointed BE, as a humble family sons, again be just a very small department Wei, in the Emperor foot really of no consequence what.The previous Luo sun intends take the time in Luo sun dig a few useful talented persons, but is everywhere meet rejection, those the noble family sons is naturally to see not last Luo's sun, while those humble family sonses would like to even depend on those noble families as well, no one would like to follow Luo's sun.After meeting rejection several times, Luo's sun also at last gave up hope and saw to want a talented person pleased to go and live with and had no real strenght could not do!
Is unique let Luo's sun feel consolation of BE, be suddenly and leisurely arrived nearby by Luo's sun of Guo Jia but is to don't leave Luo's sun and go, on the contrary lived down in Chu Gong's your home, although didn't formally be sworn allegiance to Luo's sun,also let Luo's sun have peace of mind a lot.
Speak of Guo Jia, make Luo's sun feeling shocked BE, originally Guo Jia before want to visit of the good friend is unexpectedly the Xun 彧 that is held the fame as"I of ovary" by the Cao in the days to come!This but be no more lousy than Guo Jia's talented person!Just Xun 彧 as big noble family Xun sons of house, of course not possibility and Guo Jia follow such a very small department of Luo's sun so the Wei , even when Guo Jia introduces Luo's sun, still have some despises to Luo's sun.
Now that all of somebody elses were this vice- attitude, Luo's sun was also not worthwhile to use the cold bottom that the hot face sticks a somebody else, however pass by Xun 彧 this matter after, Luo's sun is also thin to go to place and look for person just of idea, patiently wait for historical ten often wait on of disorderly arrival.
Certainly, in this period, Luo's sun also not is what matters didn't do.Take everywhere insurrection rise everywhere, Luo's sun these several years are to let the text hire to run Phoenix mountain to seek Liu to open up usually to inform their own orders with gongs all.This several in the last yearses, Liu opens up and the gongs all was also taking battalion to extremely and hiddenly once fight several times, on the other hand at last let the battalion get in the combat to toughens enough, was the scale that chases battalion to extended a lot again on the other hand and also.The battalion of Phoenix top of hill has already fully had more than 50,000 persons, and still takes in many personnel of doing not fights and opens up wasteland in the Phoenix top of hill at present and basically complete battalion of self-sufficient.
Recently once, Liu opened up to take battalion to silently once round southern sun with gongs all and fight one battle in the Ru south, but was to rob before government troops, Ru the south remain of Huang Jin Jun to exterminated, and still asked for surrender 3,000 Huang Jin Jun.
If it finish listenning to after text hire to this description that fights process, Luo sun Mi has eyes, if oneself didn't record wrong in the den, Huang Jin Jun who remain in the Ru south should be a history up once looted the Huang Jin Jun remaining confederates who passed the feather!If so be of words, that should has several individuals in this Huang Jin Jun, right away Luo's sun woulds be to ask a way:"Those rebel troopses for surrendering in can have what special person?"
Did the text hire to still just mean to say this matter and listenned to Luo's sun lifted on his/her own initiative,cheap dr dre beats, the text hired is also not from get one Leng, immediately right away answer way:"Adult!You was absolute being!Surrender this time of but there are two quite good talented persons, one calls Pei dollar Shao, one calls week Cang, listen to Liu Pi say, these two close Weis that the guy once was rebel troops leader Zhang Bao, whole body skill in martial arts very is get!I once contested with them as well, that called Pei dollar the artistic skill of the Shao and I about, but that call week Cang of, perhaps more badly some than me!"
Indeed as expected is Pei dollar Shao and week Cang!Luo's sun immediately excitement get up, among Huang Jin Jun's remaining confederates, talk about skill in martial arts, the week Cang perhaps can line up of come forward three, even may than take care of Hai to still have to be severe!And Pei dollar although the Shao is in history also just in a hurry and lead, return afterwards quilt Zhao Yun to kill, he can be as very intimate as the Cang in week, it suffices to show this skill also can't bad arrive where go to!Those 3,000 Huang Jin Jun of no consequence what, accepted to decline these 2 people, for at present debt bottom talented person strange lack of Luo sun to say, is a real happy event!
See Luo's sun one face happy expression, the text hires is also gathered together to come over, ha ha say:"Adult!We when return to south sun?"Is foolish in the Luo sun these year, the text hires to have already led an at the beginning fresh strength and sees Liu to open up to take a troops and horses with gongs all to fight everywhere, the text hires now but the eye is very hot.Luo's sun sends him to issue on order to the Phoenix mountain each time, the text hires to all want to borrow past much foolish over there for a while.The text hires to hope most now of, be leave Luo sun, return to south the sun go, can really lead troops to fight when the time comes!
Listen to the text hire of ask, the Luo sun Mi has eyes to looking at a window outside and lightly says:"Do not be hasty!Be getting quicker!Be getting quicker!"
Be getting quicker!Have already arrived in even five years now, what enter and those eunuches are also a Dou to more be more fierce to, just there is still now Chinese emperor Liu Hong at top press.Waited until a next year, Liu Hong passed away, two factionses will directly tear open face!Ten often wait on of disorderly, and Be about to take place for more than a years!That time, be while formally leaving Luo sun Luo's sun!
"Son regrets elder brother!Son regrets elder brother!"
A call the voice outside spread to come over from the den, Luo's sun right away would was to turn head to hire to make an expression of eyes to the text.That text hires to sign a horse to understand, direct from the side door kept on backing, text's hiring to go to south each time sun was all secret behaviour of, secret concerning the troops but Luo's sun of Phoenix top of hill, Luo's sun doesn't dare to at will make the other people know.Wait until after text hire get out, Luo's sun is then whole the whole headgear, the path kept to walk to go out from the center door and shouted a way:"Receive a filial piety!I am here!"
The yard that sees outside the den in, a body form emaciated young man is lifting a wine bottle gourd, shake to sway the ground rounds a turn of son in the yard, simultaneously round, also simultaneously shout, is exactly four Guo Jia that are brought back by Luo's sun.Guo Jia listens to the voice of Luo's sun, this just lived a step, or so took a look, is Luo's sun that saw a station in the den doorway on the whole, right away would be ha ha on smiling, say:"Ha ha!Son regrets elder brother!On the whole is find out you!Come to come!Just younger brother just from inebriated the wine that the fairy building made!We drink one cup!"
Luo's sun not from get the wry smile get up and see to this Guo Jia and get drunk, right away would was to come forward to hand Guo Jia and said:"I say to receive a filial piety!Now but in broad daylight!You how drink so?"
"Ah!This drinks where still cent what daytime dark night of?"Guo Jia but is to beat a wine Ge, put to put a hand with dissatisfied look, gather together the wine bottle gourd to the mouth side, again is infused 1."Want to say that this wine that inebriates fairy building's returning is really quite good!This inebriates fairy building can at Luo sun city so several years, indeed as expected have some capital!The price that can only cherish this wine shop was really too costly!"
Luo's sun helplessly shook to shake head, also Kui get oneself don't worry money source now, anotherly don't say, only some money that deliver there from the Phoenix mountain two, let the Luo's sun property buy next ten the buildings inebriating fairy are all all right already.Otherwise of words, want to feed Guo Jia, this small alcoholic, return be really difficulty, only the tips every day for the enough general family lead last a year!However Luo's sun pours also have no how love these money, can fasten Guo Jia he or she under the debt, only some tipses again calculate of what, most let Luo sun headache of BE, Guo Jia is so very drunk every day, is basically could not have what function!
"Good!Stop drinking!Also Kui's getting adult isn't in the Luo sun for these several years, if show him you this shape, must scold your dog blood to sprinkle a head!"Luo's sun looking at Guo Jia or an one mouthful to connect a grounds to infuse wine and cannot helps but condemning.
Listen to Luo's sun speak of Chu Gong, although Guo Jia is already to get drunk, is not from must beat Cold War, say now Guo Jia fears most of person, nothing is better than in have already been appointed for Wu Ling's district magistrate, and rush through Chu Gong who goes to assume office toward Jing state.At the beginning Chu Gong still just Luo sun of time, see Guo Jia drinking to excess and always pulling Guo Jia to keep preaching each time.Say with Guo Jia's words, which afraid Chu Gong is all lifting wooden staff to beat him lead be been loquacious a ground of preachment like this by him!
There is Chu Gong at of that period of time, Guo Jia this trouble that drinks to excess still really refrained from rash action a lot, after Chu Gong walked, this Guo Jia starts old Tai replying Ran again, however listen to Luo's sun read Dao since Chu Gong, Guo Jia be still how much a bit frightened.Recently, Luo's sun is scared Guo Jia with Chu Gong's name, can have a good function each time, and is 100 try 100 to work properly.
Be been so used Chu Gong's name on frightenning by Luo's sun indeed as expected, Guo Jia of slightly drunk still really frighten much awake, right away would was Pie Pie mouth, directly pushed away Luo's sun, whisper a way:"How very boring your this person is!Being lazy must say more with you!I went to bed and went to!"Although is to say so on the mouth, Guo Jia didn't dare to drink more any further, but give°ed the plug of wine bottle gourd to block up up, Di in the mouth whispers Gu, run so.
While shaking to shake head very helplessly and tooking a look the color of the sky, being pass city gate right away Luo's sun, as a Wei, he wants to be present to inspect a city gate close a responsibility.See one eye Guo Jia's figure, see his step, make sure needless worry after he cans not find his own room, this just trust ground to make change officer's tunic, the path keeps leaving Chu Fu, go to city from the Luo sun that he rules over south city gate.
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