
cheap beats by dre is mutual to suppor

Have already inspired to the scientists,
That they a great service to mankind.【Pretty much of nine of the absurd standpoint will lower public science cultivated manners, this is also
BE need to be computed at inside.】
These year many strange viruses be one after another born, man the tower and Ai Bo pull, moxa Zi, non- Dian, etc..Investigate its reason, lord
If the development of civilization makes many closing regions is opened, the modern transportation makes again they are easy to a dissemination.But meeting can't
There is also another factor, namely the medical science disrupted the virus in the nature to the original advantage virus kinds repressing of even
Heng?The moxa Zi waits virus of so hard uniform is because their inconstancy, their heredity mechanisms aren't that stable often
Often appear a heredity mistake, this should be a minority, disadvantageous to their multiplying greatly,cheap beats by dre, but because the smallpox waits heredity
After stable virus is exterminated or represses, they just can outshine others.This standpoint is just hypothesis, I am in no case
Daring says that it is correct, however, put forward a new way of thinking make the experts make reference to, isn't a bad matter at least.
【Who advocate, who offer as proof.The scientist comes to answer criticism a Miu theory every day, serious matter affirmation is influenced.Need to be known,
"Answering criticism it with the fact" needs budget and consumes a research resources.】The public that hopes to read to this standpoint
Even spirit and ground treat it and answer criticism it with the fact, but don't plus again what"careless""blah" of type of
The standpoint in"of the cause body mutual check and supervision" isn't my invention either, spread to see this standpoint in many articles,
I am just a spare no effort of promote.【Why don't talk "is mutual to support"?"Spare no effort of promote"
The absurd thing is harmful to society.】
So, how should the mankind treat virus?I once put forward a very the suggestion of heresy:The simply development is low poison****
The poison allows it to spread in the mankind, let they become pre-eminent kinds of virus world, with"the low earthquake intensity sets on fire" of
The method continuously dissolves dangerous of critical status.My sending to give you that"good and evil fairy" writing a female science is medium
The house emits big world the Wei steal to have measles smallpox virus not, send forth a society after developing into moderate virus.Your the
The classmate Ji Feng says:Is this falsely the principle that the immunity inoculates?Not, he hasn't made to understand my meaning hasty anti-
Refute.Immunity's inoculating is the resistibility that builds up mankind's individual(a particular annulet territory), it didn't consider nature
The balance of of wild virus in boundary.【Any evidence proves of wild virus existence"balance"?】but I
Of meaning BE, don't see into an isolated matter to the prevention and cure of a certain virus, but want to completely consider to the virus world,
Let the moderate virus(germ) has been occupying nature of pre-eminent.At the right moment today that science column eyes in(I am a half
Way sees of, remembers to interview one of the chief scientist that is United Nations prevention and cure moxa Zi disease)also mention:The mankind are right
The virus isn't likely to obtain to complete victory, because the variation speed of the virus far develops the speed of vaccine far above the mankind, had better
BE let moderate virus to occupy advantage.I still remember that there are some kind of Jings in a Chinese medical science house(do not remember name) opens up
Words say that the deluge that bear medicine germ stub is because of the use of antibiotics.Because, bear the body structure of medicine germ stub affirmation
Is more complicated than general germ stub, so they are bad situation communities in the germ, originally couldn't overflow of, but because of antibiosis
Vegetable environment repress common germ stub, just make them become weak is strong.See, my beard thinks to contemplate to get of the standpoint is with this
Some experts are consistent.【The antibiotics creation drug-resistant is a Theory of Evolution of certainly conclusion, but moderate virus can
Repress fierce virus but have no basis.】【Square the boatman press:In fact and almost the body of everybody up all live on moderate or
Have no toxic virus, for example gland related virus, don't need another"put poison".The "fierce" virus has no because of
This is repressed.】
Certainly, even if my viewpoint is correct,can't be accepted right away.Because this kind of is low poisonous****The poison has to protect
Hold then a certain toxicity can rise a function, but this certanly will result in the parts of person's misery.Death people in the disease are from the heart
Manage up can accept, but, if die when the immunity inoculates one is ten eight people, that still didn't turn over a sky!This kind of
The too safe standpoint is to some extent that hasing already become the fetter of medical science development.In fact, even if the most moderate feeling
Emit virus to also result in annually how much person of death!So, this method wants to want to be accepted to need date,
Currently it the balderdash that can be a science fiction writer.【The basic problem lies in this kind of viewpoint inaccuracy. 】
Nature be so complicated, it is a have no place not of net in the sky, you affect whichever mesh of net, all will at
The unexpected place creation flaps to concuss.Now then the medical science in sky but is an isolationist, what to beat is to aim at a certain cause
The discontinuous battle of body.Mankind already backlog many experience, should loosen some of range of experiences.【In fact
The other people's range of experience isn't narrow, so know very easily which viewpoints don't be worth of.】
Just once said, the world was many levels.These standpoint of mine can't to today non- Dian the prevention and cure contain any function,
That still have to be made great effort by the medical experts.Their jobs are to spare no one virus and do like this to them
Is right;But, equally need someone to stand on another level to consider, take vaster visual field as tomorrow
The medical science delineates mostly outline.There is no the confidence to this general situation, the medical science will lose bearing.【All of other people BE
Stray lamb, it happened that oneself has great foresight for the future, the mindset like this not only don't "want for" in the society, on the contrary is too
It Be getting more.】These thinkings say that its being Qian science is good, rubbish also good, anyway it is society to lack
It is little.【The square boatman presses: certainly, if without this kind of wild person, clown, the society really wants little many fun. 】
The Chinese are too practical, this kind of comparison Yu Kuo of philosophy thinking than western person bad far.
The head delivers 《neologism silk 》
The outside article intelligence robot will bring mankind Shi

What will the intelligence robot bring mankind?
Author:Zhao Nan Yuan
The person is one set machine, the person who have early approved this standpoint.Do you also see like this?
Say"what is what" is regarded as a kind of classification, the classification isn't "being objective", but"subjective".
So return the person into which types can not calculate a mistake, the key is a classification to bring our understanding what advantage like this.
For example someone think person"the half is an angel, the half is a wild beast" and like this say actually is point out human nature of two
:Have something to do with heredity of inborn of living creature(wild beast) and have nothing to do with inheritting the day after tomorrow cultural of the acquisition
(Angel).This kind of classification pointed out a direction to the research human nature."The person is a machine" is also a kind of classification,
Dividing the person to"machine" is this type of, is also pointed out a kind of research direction.Be say though the person's mind is very
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