
beats by dre studio hd s Possibility where

Chapter 382 Yun starfish area
Inside a large stars center, have two nine temple private in the sky is collecting the Jing of its Chen, this stars sees appearance is also the first-time drive now, the Jing of starses in it is 67 enough nine temple private in the sky come to self-discipline together.
Those are two nine temple private in the sky, one male one female, the expression is very intimate.The appearance of middle age.
2 people are occupied in the Jing of stars that collects underneath at this time.Seeming to be basically didn't notice at their above, also one person is secretly observing them.
2 people shoulded far and far don't fix the territory of nine temple highest points in the sky as well, their soul, respond dint to still cannot compare with Ji vast sky, one heart to collect the Jing of stars of they, the soul has already bound the Jing of that stars.It is just preparing to agree with Jing and soul of stars.
In the time that this is decisive, if the Ji vast sky wants to put poison in a hand, as long as rising an attack in the past, these 2 people almost didn't strike back of dint, can affirm, in this turning point, the Ji vast sky wanted to make them scare to death, that was the easy to accomplish matter.
The Ji vast sky didn't make moves and hesitated for a while and on the contrary and slowly sank into down from that volcanic crater.Silently look at them by the side of these 2 people's bodies.
Of so such, on the other hand is because the Ji vast sky feels to have no Yuan to have no enemy with these 2 people, and the Jing of this stars in the stars is enough big.2 people affirm inexhaustibility, so pour is have no necessity to put together to fight to the death live.
There is also 1 in addition.Reason.
Ji vast sky at unfamiliar star area self-discipline so long-term, also don't know this unfamiliar star area exactly is where, very not easy ran into at present two can communicate of nine temple private in the sky, he urgently wants to clear up situation and hopes to pass these two people.The star area that knows his place calls what name.
Ji vast sky an appear in this stars of heart the center.Those 2 people being just between the cup and the lip are nervous to get up a while.
Their absolute being souls obviously undulate mess.Anxiously want quickly some blend the absolute being soul and the Jing of stars that they incise, want to integrate into the Jing of stars to be among his/her own soul, spare hand so much to cope with Ji vast sky.
Want to integrate the Jing of stars into the soul in the in a short time unfortunately, anything but one is easy of affair.
2 people are more flurried, soul and the degree that the Jing of stars blend are on the contrary more slow, more is so, 2 people are more urgent, full is frightened on the face.
Understand in their heart, at this, time, as long as the Ji vast sky moves, their soul is implicated by the Jing of stars, can not form effective defense means at all, will be given by the Ji vast sky lightly loose loose cut to kill.
Seeing these 2 people to struck with panically and more make is more bad, invite to invite unclearly, even play absolute being souls to implicate.And single-minded that stars since collapse.Always silent Ji vast sky hurriedly means:"I have no malice, I come of purpose, also the Jing of only just a piece of stars, don't jump a claim the meaning here, you need not strain
He so on saying, two talented persons of this panic slowly calmed down down, in this way, they not be eager to fast integrate the Jing of stars into the soul, that soul pours also not unbearable in the mess.
The Ji vast sky no longer talks more, silently look at 2 people in the part, wait 2 people to integrate the Jing of stars into the soul.
Led very in a short while, 2 people fall calm, finally and slowly integrate into the Jing of soul and stars together, when the Jing of that stars narrowed must and doubly and became a point in their soul after.Two talented persons breath a sigh of relief.
Immediately and the Ji vast sky drew back a distance, these 2 people still keep showing to must be careful wing wing ground, the Jing fears to ground to looking at Ji vast sky, inquiry way:"Who are you ?"
"I?"The Ji vast sky smiled to smile, way:"Speaking you is also incognizant, I am to unintentionally arrive at this, star area.Was pulled by the tunnel in the space turbulent flow to go into here, up to now.You are my only privates in the sky who run into, I don't know my where as well, I just thinking ask you, is exactly where here?"
That female's full faces all take precautions against air.From start into all eventually don't relax, the offensive of various soul has already secretly prepared appropriate, once the Ji vast sky is different from of not good faith action, this female of immediately making moves to attackstone is afraid.
It is a that guy to pour still be regarded as quiet, blamed and scolded ground to see a female companion similar, way:"Do not be nervous, if the somebody else wants to kill us and just begins, basically can't wait until now
The female still don't relax, cold way:"I am plotted secretly against afraid, you don't also believe a person too much, the attraction of the Jing of stars is a lot too big, for the sake of the Jing of stars, you I have no little be made track for to kill, you still not long power of memory?"
The male seems to be some to fear to inside, the eye sees a persuasion not female companion.Arriving didn't also keep on insisting, just wearing a smile say to the Ji vast skies:"Your luck's being seen to return is really quite good, at space Long way in unexpectedly have no matter.Can also arrive at here, to, did you where arrive at here?.
The male's superficial amity, but don't also relax Jing to fear to.Ask the time of words, he and that female the companion closed to some, see the appearance feel their husband and wife together more safety some.
"I from there come over.All the way north bound come, all is dead star, have no a stars to have the Jing of stars
Endless star area the Mainland to not explicit, Ji vast sky then oneself come of time of the truth described 1 time, concerning dead star after those starses with the Jing of stars, Ji vast sky the word don't lift.
In his subconscious, the demon cluster is rare of star area on the sky in the mainland, have already become his private forbidden ground.That one star area in, there are more than 500s can with the stars of self-discipline, enough and tenth, nine temple private in the sky come he or she several hundred acupuncture points self - disciplines are some kind of.
That rare mainland can lead to five lines of mainlands again.See at him, have
A do obeisance a Yuan valley of high year of, the Yue breaks to ten temple orchid territories in the sky.Can not at too.Search visionary stars to come to self-discipline inside the Dai, the space turbulent flow area that can directly pass poison under Long Tan comes here and directly asks for help from the star area that no man opens up to come to self-discipline here.
The stars of that place.Enough valley of Xuan Yuan of nine the temple private's self-disciplines in the sky are many years.That place once being got by him, the valley of Xuan Yuan even probably becomes similar strong organization of the sun star area eight general situation dints, so he prohibits to fully reveal this to anyone.
"There?"Male of surprised shout a , way:"That place we always have never been to.What do there have?"
"Have no, have of just die star, also have is endless dangerous, I go all the way and almost scare to death".Only and perhaps these 2 people will go to find out.Ji vast sky cool way.
"So the male give it a bit of thought and just say:"We can arrive at here and have already discarded very big energy, even if is to have heart, also had no enough mentality to prop up us to go over and have a look a circumstance, H'm, see on your open and aboveboard.I can give you the circumstance for saying that I understand all of a sudden
"I and my wife, come from a Yun starfish area, our star areas have several thousand days the mainland of private's self-discipline, however, we Yun starfish the area can give the stars of nine temple private's self-disciplines in the sky already less and less.I and my wife, from our mainland after coming out, have been staring at quasi- a direction search suit the stars of self-discipline
"We use several years, just arrive at here, mentality already soon exhaustion.This time if on having no acquisition, we don't intend as well that continuing keeps on being thorough, because of again to the distance line, we afraid is that there is no enough mentality returning to an essence.Controling breath at us so much is quite good, unexpectedly at prepare to give up of time, now the stars with the Jing of stars."
"Yun starfish area?"Ji vast sky Leng for a while, in the heart suddenly concussion get up, he listenned to in those early years his grandfather's old saving relate of time, listen to his grandfather once saying a Yun starfish area.
Yun starfish area in meteorite numerous, in addition to those mainlands that suit mankind's life, at most would be the meteorites that the stars explodes ground formation, those meteorite such as ocean general, spread all over in each corner of Yun starfish area.
His grandfather thou Zhan in those early years at nine of territory of time, also because of needing the Jing of stars.Once arrived at an edge district of the sun star area.Over there, he once met a Yun starfish area of nine temple private in the sky, knew Yun starfish the area and the sun star area was regarded as a neighbor star area, each other being separated isn't too far.
Want ~only mentality enough strong nine temple private in the sky, one heart toward Yun starfish area but go to of words, if is lucky, didn't meet the natural disaster in various endless star areas, probably had enough mentality to get into a Yun starfish area.
Certainly, the area arrives the distance of of Yun starfish area from the sun star extremely faraway, even if is to don't meet any crisis, 1.Nine temple private in the sky want to get into a Yun starfish area and also need to expend half of mentalities at least.
This time, had better immediately return to own essence, otherwise, once continuing to expend more mentality, afraid is have no enough mentality to return to an essence.
Because is two, the distance of of star area is too faraway, the soul shuttles to need to expend too many mentalities, so clearly know to is a close by star area, also have no how much person dare to make a mess of, few person's someones recklessly get into an another star area.
On the other hand get into an another star area to need to expend tremendous mentality, another aspect also probably runs into an another star area of nine temple private in the sky, once borning quarrel, leaving a too far person of essence to by all means want to eat big Kui.In case that the mentality consumes too greatly.Afraid is can not return to an essence any further.
Because have many restrictions, close by of star area although each other knows the existence of the other party but very few cross frontier, step into the other party of star area activity,beats by dre studio hd, at most also just to thou the Zhan is similar, the middle district movable activity between two star areas, search the Jing of the stars of suiting oneself's self-discipline.
"You know.From how do here go to the sun star area?"The Ji vast sky facial expression is one earthquake, explanation way:"I was originally private in the sky of the sun star area, unintentionally the north space turbulent flow area pulled to go into and got into an after death unfamiliar star area, up to now, I haven't searched to return to of road."
"The sun star area?"That male seems to know, think for a while, just way:"Friend, I advise you or think that the another way returns to the sun star an area, want to return to the sun star area from here, be apart from very faraway, with your current mentality.Halfway of time, mentality all exhaustions
"On top of that, the half-way gets into our Yun starfish area and you the handing over of of the sun star area connect an area, there, because you I am two, the of star area stars that loots self-discipline, have been all central point of combat, you arrive there of time, mentality afraid is already soon exhaustion, will be given with deal with
"Ah until this, time, that woman who hasn't been uttering a word, just lightly sigh 1.Just a little relieved to be on guard for a while to the Ji vast sky, way:"The combat of the sun star area and Yun starfish area, afraid can't quell forever, particularly is us Yun starfish area, now the road of self-discipline more and more difficulties, suit the stars of nine temple private's self-disciplines in the sky, at Yun starfish area in already be opened up only, only you I am two, handing over of star area the center connects inside the area and has some the ground of rarely seen self-discipline, for the sake of the ground of these self - disciplines, we Yun starfish area of nine temple private in the sky all want to go crazy.""Yes that man full face wry smile, way:"Situation bottom according to this go, not how long, we Yun starfish area even if being someone to break is nine of territory, also hard find out the ground of self-discipline" two greatest star the area hand over the ground of the rarely seen self-discipline of connecting the region, these years also more come to enemy little, 500 years inside.You I am two star areas, afraid is no one can get into ten any further square the territory of the sky
Because, they basically could not search the stars of the Jing of having the stars to come to self-discipline, only after waiting aeon, wait the Jing of new stars afresh the stars is just all right, nine temple private in the sky only have more than 900 years of life span, can etc. not arrive that good heavens, so everyone went crazy generally and hoped to have no in those resourceses dried up before, as early as possible oneself first the self-discipline complete."
Listen to these 2 people's some kind of explanations, Ji vast sky just understand, originally that Yun starfish area still has to be what a mess than the sun star area, although the stars of the sun star area time self-discipline is rarely seen, often can be also 12 now, can that Yun starfish area has already arrived oil light to the utmost withered edge.
No wonder that these Yun starfish area of nine temple private in the sky, for the sake of can self-discipline the bottom go and put together dead is going to contend for an of robbing the star area hand over to connect ground of piecemeal self-discipline stars.Also no wonder that these 2 people are risky have been going deep into, arrive at the stars that they set foot in for the first time.
All is the disaster being sparse to lack to ask for resources.
In this way, the Ji vast sky makes a decision more, absolutely can not bring up toward anyone own of that a piece of self-discipline treasure ground!
That a piece of self-discipline treasure ground he probably used not to ascend, but was good enough to superior's an of making the valley of Xuan Yuan, is good the acupuncture points self-discipline, had that.Self-discipline treasure ground, the valley of Xuan Yuan really includes the opportunity becomes similar in sky Lu and evil hole this sun star area of to the pre-eminent dint.
That:Place, each to each great real strenght of the Yun starfish area and the sun star area big nine temple private in the sky come to say, the root is the second life!Once let these two greatest stars area of the person understand to still have is such a be not opened up of place.Each general situation dint of the two greatest stars area is each big nine temple private in the sky don't play madness can not!
"That" can tell me should if is past, certainly, unless have no alternative, I can't recklessly go in there, after all, my essence.Still just I arrive at a star area in."Ji vast sky way.
"We can come here, is also from your two star areases of handing over and connecting the area mistake rush to come over of, we next time can enough find out here and also hard to say.I can point out for you a mostly of path, because we return to still need to grope for this time, you hereafter can enough find out to return to of road, we can not promise, either that girl on the contrary on our own initiative answer, she seems to feel Ji vast sky a wretchedness and also feels that the Ji vast sky should reach not to become threat to them, this just active.
See the that guy nod, this girl then some path memories for he or she to come, described for the Ji vast sky a time of, although the Ji vast sky listens to of isn't specially understand.But profoundly remember.
"The star area that you come, we don't know as well exactly is which star area, we can come here, was already very by luck the Ji vast sky of lookinging at of male, hesitated for a while, ask a way:"Unfamiliar star area over there in, have have never opened up of stars?I and my wife, all have 400 acupuncture pointses to have no self-discipline, the resources of self-discipline is less and less now, our 2 people wants all of the acupuncture points self-discipline that will leave, the opportunity is elusive, can risk death to rush indiscriminately, perhaps, next time be put to death by hanging in a certain turbulent flow
"Have no, only die star, I all the way north bound come, the all seen all die star, don't see a stars that suits self-discipline."The Ji vast sky has no softhearted.
He knows he absolutely not the ability is softhearted, otherwise, not only that cans not guarantee, perhaps even he will drive nine heroic fighting temple private in the sky of Yun starfish area to bomb to kill.
"Whole is dead star?Is a dead star area?!"2 people were suddenly surprised to fear to ground to lightly drink, saw the appearance being frightenned.
The dead star area is an endless star area extremely miraculous place, it is said that at die star area in all is dead star, in have various than stars even ancient time immemorial living creature, the legend fixs ten square the territory of the sky of strong, all will at die star area activity, the legend dies the star area is peak strong the ground of activity of ",
According to the poison of origin say, that dollar bead, be come from to die a star area, five lines of many truely different treasures in mainland, also all more or less and dead there are some relations in the star area.
Give these 2 people so on saying, the time in the beginning, Ji vast sky's also being that star area is dead star area.But careful on thinking, veto right away.
That unfamiliar star area has the stars of suiting the self-discipline.This obviously and dead star area of legend not agree with to match, in addition, at that dead star area in, he didn't also see any ten square the territory of the sky of strong, this is also different from legend of so.
The heart negated 2 people's parlance, but the Ji vast sky changes magically falsely body but is that the air is tiny to change.A shape that is surprised to fear to, way:"Do not know.Also really have this perhaps.Possibility, where, I run into of all of all are dead stars.Really don't see a stars of time self-discipline!"
"That" we walked first and more expended in a short while, waste more some mentalities, stay again here.We are afraid is can not return to essence"the that guy listen to Ji vast sky such a say.Didn't ask one more any further.See his in that manner.Obviously and thoroughly canceled to go in one the mind for exploring.His female companion also no longer useless talk.The air is surprised to fear to of pole, hastily and her man get out together and fly toward the surface of this stars.
"You take good care of more the man finally spread a Xun to read and see at him, essence at die the Ji vast sky of star area, that was to is certain to die.
Dead star the area isn't weak at all can survive of place!
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