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Reveal be big turn the son set circlet son.At especially the orchid Si tile Ni second this power configuring in, is the duke of monarch under is a marquis, count the powerful family nobility like this greatly gets a lord, while these greatly get a lord and set up formally like viscount, baron thus of medium small get lord as his/her own political satellite.
Even if is a main big one country duke oneself, its direct jurisdiction territory and troops aren't too many either.
The warfare of general scale poured let it be, at the moment that war come benefit Si this archduke also need to call political satellite to get to be main of private soldier's three wars, or is spend big price to enlist to employ the soldier helps for himself and make up often have the blemish of soldier troops shortage.
But east Allah virtuously the circumstance is as a vast difference between the two as other region.Chen whom the big power only stirs not to blame and rather bestows a great deal of money and treasure thing to the under charges, also would not like to oneself the land with direct jurisdiction bottom and soldier divide to seal to have a great achievement of minister.
Up to now, at Chen not to blame of troops, get the political satellite of having the land to still only have first summer Luo to wait four knights to get a lord especially, others etc.s didn't acquire the territory of in cent and said nothing of be allowed to enlist a private soldier.
Experience successively for several years of development, the permanent population of east Allah virtuous territory increases 40,000 many, be so smallly under the population base, the whole territory of often fully soldier total troops but approach 4,000 people.Soldier with get a people ground the proportion approached 10-1 toll - gates, unless have gold mine to prop up with the source of moneys, such as copper mine and tin mine,beats by dr dre pro...etc..The dead doesn't repent Chen not to blame and early should declare bankrupt.
However, is exactly under the premise that like this and almost in love wars and military exploits.Chen not to blame gets a lord to keep belonging to troops but develop 3,000 all the way of many.
Dig down kind live to exceed of troops, Chen is losing money in business to earn to threaten.
It is acquainting with region in a mainland to seal institutional person to see for cent.This kind of way of doing of his is absolutely fantastic to arrive extremity.Benefit Si ever in the middle of fleeing from home, suppressed one degree problem with Chen's not to blame more than once study, so he more easily comprehended relations in it than the person of side.
Chen not to blame territory ground big parts of strength come together in the oneself's hand, decide to send army and then completely don't need to concern the honest problem of the political satellites.Besides belong to get main direct jurisdiction troops, the all levels commanding officers are directly obeall yed orders to get a lord, their daily train also together complete of, wait until the time up the battlefield .Each other is in conjunction with match ground effect to want than those miscellaneous card soldiers that put together at the time, or pure of employ a soldier to be good friends with up many.
The benefit Si repeatedly shake head and pour not because east Allah virtuously the military power can not make him satisfied, but is that he feels not to blame the Chen place heart accumulates Lyu ground and enhances troops, the life ambition having is more perhaps not only than and gets main seat by a steady small place.
If open palisades to let out one clear fierce tiger attack enemy, will oneself so in the end can't follow a cake of to meet with calamity?
This problem benefit Si also say to prohibit, connecting down will see Chen not to blame whether have a sincerity to accept a marriage.Thought of here.The benefit Si let go of official document, then picked up to sign signature Chen not to blame of the letter.
Chen not to blame this gets lord adult to be is not a very last heart either, these two years he runs to go out to study abroad.The business of territory is basic to all throw to four knights and include manikin Peter Luo man at inside of civilian post officials.Because always the contact don't ascend this to jilt a palm cabinet, benefit Si before doing not open envelope, still think that this letter is a knight the summer Luo wait especially person with Chen not to blame of the name in advance reply of, the Zhi is to be see a fascinating flourishes in dancing clerk of skill body handwriting when the benefit Si launch parchment to cautiously read, he that pure white face a short moment changed color.
More than a years in underground sanctuary time, Chen of the thoroughly bored not to blame at study ancient sorcery Kingdom literalness at the same time, didn't also forget for a while study Be evil to lead the privates calligraphy.
On this letter, that kind of has the form of written of metre pleasant impression very much the benefit Si acquaint with very much, absolutely is the handwriting that isn't to blame come from to Chen, but the benefit Si isn't understand, Chen who appear and disappear mysteriously's not to blame and exactly when returning to east Allah is virtuous.
The effort of one Leng absolute being, the robe of benefit Si carelessly pared off stove of ground, the flame beginning immediately jumping started to flee upward.
Wait the benefit Si smell a flavor of burnt paste this just respond to come over, hurriedly the hand and foot counteracted to put out robe up spread of flame, however also receive at pressing the parchment on the his hand up 1 F black ash.
The black ash that carefully wipes out parchment, the benefit Si bend the head to study Chen not to blame of letter.The contents of letter isn't long, Chen's not to blame and in brief expressing oneself would like to accept the female count marriage of Ba Er Ke of Yu for a while of will, but the end end of the tail believing here divide, he taboo ground the independent problem that mention east Allah virtuous territory, seem to be not greatly satisfied the arrangement of benefit Si.
The benefit Si chew Chen not to blame amphibology words, don't feel and sink into to contemplate in.
The Allah of the east is virtuous to get lord the fortress master's tower underground 6 F Chen not to blame design of the tower of this master have 14 F on the ground, while the underground part then have many 9 F and completed this part of highly difficult underground engineering to still give manikin Peter the blessing of the Luo man, weighed gold to appoint a group of dwarves' craftsman by him, have so the strong technique really permit, just can start to construct 9 F in the underground deep place of several ten meters ground floor.
"Pull park from Bach, we acquaint with a beginning, you weren't short either with my day, all of everyones were a person is full not hungry bachelor of whole family, so I just chose you.If now who want to withdraw of words, I will be responsible for the part memory that blurs out him, this affair is very dangerous, who didn't absolutely successfully hold as well, never force."
Chen pacing to and fro mildly related some kind of own viewpoints not to blame.
Chen not to blame of the words sound just fell to the ground, more than ten Bach pulled a person to win most young tiger the fierce one-eyed person admired an orchid virtuous.The skin Si stood out, he clapped breast to say:"Host, we all of these guys are desperados, all make the head begging for the life all day long don't on the belt, from follow you to walk, this just at last led a nice day of several days, didn't say of, the Zhi has to have you a words, the front is a knife mountain oil pan we dare also next go."
Chen isn't to blame tiny to nod, the vision swept to once see each under charge of in front, and he spoke slowly a way later on:"I know you all not afraid dead, however the persons are all weak, the momentary funk isn't a shameful affair.Is all right!I ask 1 time again, who want to withdraw?Please stand out."
No one moves a step and has the oil lamp on the wall to still keep gleaming weak light of fire clearly in the silent blackness.Very long, Chen not to blame sighed 1 and said:"Is very good, all of you are my honest servants, come, see this up put of rock?Everybody chooses 1 and holds in the hand."
Say, Chen not to blame stretched hand to pull the in front is received by a piece of black cloth of stone table.
Impressively appeared ten on this table several geese egg that send forth a light and red light after cleaning black cloth stone.These are suddenly clearly suddenly dark, have a liking for to go to hellish devil that ember to burn sort bewitching different eyes and brightly stare at a present person like a .
According to proper just Chen not to blame of order, these Bach who are with meticulous care chosen pulls a person to arrive at a stone table front of, everybody picked up a goose egg stone, then they become overdo to looking at not to blame, Chen waits for further designation.
Hope these to put to see dead if Bach who returns power pulls a person, Chen not to blame sinks a voice to say:"Since walk to this one step, everyone has already had no way out already, I promise you at the cook lead this pain and sufferings behind, will feel the thing having a value."
The words sound falls to the ground, Chen not to blame and slightly one fillip, public the goose egg stone holding in hand explode into a regiment powder to fly to spread out in the in a flash.Originally adhere to in the goose egg stone top of red only then none exception ground irruptive Bach pull the person's head, immediately profound master tower in, the response rises a burst of good hellish Malicious ghost wail the sort sad and shrillly bellow a voice, don't once in a very long while and never spread

Chapter 60 west Si

Chapter 60 west Si section 1
"When the first sunlight is born at the same time, this world immediately produced the strength of dark side, any thing all in fact is an integral whole both sides, there was light to have blackness naturally.Ignorant person total Related articles:

